Monday, December 28, 2009

Our Christmas Gift !

A Christmas gift or not a Christmas gift? That is the question. Frankly Peyton, I don't give a damn. I'll take the win no matter how we earned it or how it was gift wrapped. A win is a win and Herman Edwards said it best, "Ya play to win the game." It's not the Jets fault that the Colts rested players. We had an opponent to play against in a must win game. And who know what would have happened if Peyton stayed in? Would he have gotten hurt? Would we have still won? Let me remind you that with Peyton in the game, the Jets were ONLY down 5 points so it's not like we were being murdered and they decided to let us come back and win.

We deserved to win a game like this after BLOWING five games this year - two against the Dolphins, and one against the Bills, Jaguars, and Falcons. This five losses were mind-boggling how we lost those games. Most teams would have NEVER let those games slip away in the final minutes but most teams are NOT the Jets. If we were an experienced, winning organization, we would have WON all five of those games and would have been 12-2 entering last night's game against the 14-0 Colts. Think about it. If we had won those games that no other team in the league loses, we'd be looking at the 2nd seed and a bye. And we've don't it without our best offensive player in Leon Washington and our best defensive player in Kerry Jenkins. But, we are the Jets and nothing ever comes easy. Well, except when Peyton Manning is pulled from the game.

Things were looking bleak after last week's devastating loss to the Falcons. We needed a zillion things to happen but miracles do happen: Titans Lost. Ravens Lost. Dolphins Lost. Broncos Lost. Jets Won ! Yes, you heard me. Jets beat the undefeated Colts by a score of 29 - 15. And again, I really don't care that players were rested. We needed to win the game and can't control what other teams do. And another bonus was the Bengals winning who we play now on Sunday night and the game means NOTHING to them so maybe they'll rest players too. I could care less.

What I do care about is that in this bizarre up and down season, we head into the final game of the season, the last game at GIANTS Stadium, with a chance to make the playoffs in the year we have a rookie head coach and a rookie quarterback that is still learning the NFL Game. This can only help Sanchez's career and confidence if he plays another flawless game on Sunday night.

The whole scenario seemed more bleak than back in 2002 when we needed major help. The wild card scenarios didn't go our way so we needed the Patriots beat the Dolphins to make our game meaningful vs. the Packers. However, the Dolphins were winning the entire game and up in the 4th when the Pats staged an incredible comeback. That was the opening we needed for the Jets to play a meaningful game to capture the AFC East. This year the scenarios were more improbably but it all fell our way. Now, let's win the game to erase all the bad memories of Giants Stadium and start a new Era next year. But, let's reminisce on the big win vs. the Colts.

I'm not sure where to even begin. The first half, things were not looking good after the Colts walked down the field to score a touchdown. However, we blocked the extra point on a great reach by Bryan Thomas. That gave the Colts a 6-0 lead and we were not able to muster any offense. Not much later, after some good defense, we were able to hold the Colts to a field goal giving them a 9-0 lead. Finally, we were able to put together a drive but it stalled as usual so the game was 9-3 at halftime. I was not upset as we would start the half with the ball and how can you complain only being down by 6 points on the road to a 14-0 team.

The 2nd half began and Brad Smith caught the ball about 6 yards into his endzone and decided to see if he could pull off a Leon Washington. Ten seconds later, he pulled off a Leon racing for 106 yards and a TD, a new Jets record for longest run and tied for the 2nd longest run in NFL History. All of a sudden, we were now winning the game 10-9 and Peyton Manning was still in the game. There was no gift wrapping anything yet.

However, the lead didn't last too long as the Colts walked right down the field for a touch down. However, they couldn't get the 2 point conversion so they were now only up 15-10. What was bothering me all day was that we kept on getting the penalties called against us and very few calls were going in our favor. Come on refs. Put the flags away or throw them against the Colts once in a while. It was as if the NFL wanted the Colts to go undefeated so let's just flag the Jets all the time.

After our next drive stalled, we punted to pin the Colts back deep. Then, Jim Caldwell gave us a break. On the sidelines stood Peyton Manning with his helmet still on as Curtis Painter ran onto the field to Boooo's. Painter goes back to pass, he's smushed by Calvin Pace who jarred loose the ball. Marques Douglass hops on the ball and rolls into the endzone. TOUCHDOWN ! Thanks Colts. That surely helped. And then Sanchez does something the Jets NEVER get right - hits Dustin Keller for a 2 point conversion. YES ! Jets up again 18-15.

Things then started to happen. Our running game was moving the ball. Thomas Jones went over the 100 yard mark for the 6th time in the past 10 games. We had another Feely field goal followed by Thomas Jones TD run. All of a sudden, the Colts 23 game win streak was over as we won 29-15.

People can say what they want. Maybe it was a Christmas Gift. Maybe it was a Christmas Miracle. Maybe it was hard work paying off. Maybe it was payback for all of the games we blew.

I could care less. Why? Just one win and we're in !

1 comment:

arielle said...

I would disagree that we deserved this win after blowing five ugly ones - to me that says we're a crap team, not that we're just unlucky and deserved a break. We beat ourselves most of those games. But it was sure nice to win yesterday, meaningless as it will ultimately be.