Thursday, March 30, 2006

Jay Mohr Gives Chad An Award


You would think that being an injury-prone quarterback and undergoing two shoulder surgeries would humble a guy. Not Chad. The Jets wisely asked Pennington to take a paycut (granted, a HUGE one) because of the uncertainty of his twice-operated on throwing shoulder. Chad would receive $1 million just in case he was never able to throw a football again. He passed. Bad move, Chad. We all thought you were smarter than that. It was you who once said, "It is important to have character, not be a character." You could have shown the organization that insured your grandchildren's wealth that you were a man of good character and EARNED your next few paychecks until proving your shoulder was structurally sound. Not too many teams are interested in a soft-throwing quarterback who has been cut on more than an Erik B and Rakim record. The Jets, for once, actually did the right thing, and you, my friend, did not. For that, Chad Pennington gets A ZERO!

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